

We Are On The Same Page

When I was in high school back in 2002, I got interested in photography coz of my subject in Journalism. The problem was I can't afford a SLR/DSLR camera that time. I didn't got a chance to pursue my dream to become a photographer.

Six years later, I saw Francis M's multiply website and I found out that he himself was also into photography and already a member of CCP (Camera Club of the Philippines). Kick ass!

I adore Francis Magalona. I look up to him, and in fact, some of who or what I am today is because of him. He influenced me in a lot of ways but being interested in photography was a coincident.

I am not Francis Magalona but in my own little way I am on the same page. Francis Magalona also liked underground more than mainstream when it comes to music just like I do. Loonie of Stick Figgas confirmed that.

I wish Francis Magalona is still alive so he can inspire more Filipinos like me.

Long live The King.


Team Xtreme

Here are your Best Team for four consecutive months, the only team who made it possible in Docomo Intertouch history... Team Xtreme! I've been in this team for almost 3 years and I have been under three different Team Leaders. Actually, there are four of us, only four of us that have been in this team for almost three years coz most of my previous teammates already left the company. There were so many times that I also wanted to leave the company but I can't just do it, one of the reason is them. I enjoy working with Team Xtreme.


Before Team Xtreme, it was Extremely Brilliant which was named by my former teammates that already left the company. I suggested the name Xtreme but when I was not around they changed it to Extremely Brilliant. The name was so gay for me but I can't do anything about it coz my first Team Leader at that time is a girl and she liked it. It was a majority decision as well coz most of my teammates at that time were gays so they liked it. I don't like the name but I like those people who has been a part of the team. It's just a name, the important thing was we all became good friends. I would like to say wassup to all my friends that were been a part of Team Xtreme. Here are some pix of the original Team Xtreme:

KoЯn Experience

Watching Korn live was a great experience. I got to watch one of the most influential band in the world. The word "awesome" is the only way to describe how I felt that night. They are fucking awesome. We entered the General Admission only but we sure felt Korn's presence. For those who don't know, Korn is the one who pioneered Nu Metal sound with the release of their debut album in 1993. Nu Metal is a subgenre of Heavy Metal and one of my favorite. Here's a video of them performing "Blind":

Korn performing "Blind" live in Manila.